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data privacy

4 Data Privacy Trends for 2023

Many have wondered whether the recent focus on data privacy within advertising will continue. We expect that trend to continue in light of the pace of change which has made compliance a moving target in terms of what regulators consider sufficient. With that in mind and Data Privacy Day 2023…

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What Is CTDPA?

Last week the Connecticut House of Representatives and Connecticut Senate joined forces to pass the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA). The legislation, also known as Senate Bill 6 (SB6), awaits Governor Ned Lamont's signature to make everything 100% official. The bill is expected to take effect on July 1, 2023. 

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CCPA Update: It’s the Final Countdown

We know not what the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will finally look like when it goes into effect January 1, 2020, but we do know that Silicon Valley heavyweights applied great pressure to revise it, there’s an industry solution for do-not-sell requests, and unfortunately, most US businesses are overwhelmingly…

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What Is the IAB Consent Framework?

GDPR compliance means companies must obtain consent when collecting personal data from their website visitors. Sounds like a big headache, right? But wait, it's easier than you think. The IAB GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework is the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s solution to help publishers tell visitors what data is being…

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The Fallacy of the Right Ad, to the Right Person, Constantly

The data used for ad targeting feels more personal than ever, and the Cambridge Analytica story shows us the errors of levying personal information in ways users neither want nor expect. Publishers' job right now is to work with buy-side partners to find the right context for that personalization—and publishers…

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What Is VPPA?

Publishers that deal with a lot of video content will likely be able to tell you a little about the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA). Particularly, they’ll be able to tell you about the numerous hoops it causes video-heavy ops teams to jump through. VPPA holds that a user’s viewing…

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The Legal Connection: How Ops Avoids Regulatory Pitfalls

Regulation--it’s the bane of ops’ existence. Keeping abreast of various regulations impacting the digital advertising environment is not easy: COPPA, HIPPA, VPPA, cookie laws, and so on. Do you even know what those letters represent let alone mean? Maybe the bigger question is: Where does regulation come from, and how…

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