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What Is Google’s Privacy Sandbox?

As the clock ticks on the two-year expiration of the third-party tracking cookie, the advertising industry wonders how advertising tracking and measurement will work. Google has proposed a plan called the Privacy Sandbox, a series of APIs intended to provide users with privacy while ensuring that programmatic will continue to…

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The Big Google Cookie Crumble: 5 Sessions To Help You Prep

Google’s recent announcement that it would follow Safari and Firefox in eliminating third-party tracking cookies—within two years—shook the digital advertising industry like an earthquake off the Richter scale. Are you panicking at the idea that the majority of your inventory will soon lack identifiers? Are you hyperventilating about digital publishers'…

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What Is Google’s New Chrome SameSite Cookie Policy?

Starting February 4, 2020, Under the Incrementally Better Cookies Policy, Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax, restricting the sharing of cookie data across sites. For external access, cookies will need to be set to SameSite=None; Secure and will have to be accessed from secure…

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AT&T Draws the Battle Lines

With AT&T ready to acquire AppNexus, are the duopoly's days numbered? It's too soon to tell. But with Congress broadening ISPs' capacity to handle user data, the big telecoms are in a position to create end-to-end ad buying solutions. And, says Gavin Dunaway, that's exactly what advertisers want.

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